8. JSon Examples

This document contains examples for all message types.




8.1. Alarms

8.1.1. A0001 Serious hardware error


8.1.2. A0002 Less serious hardware error

     "xACId":"ERROR IO #1 MISSING",

8.1.3. A0003 Serious configuration error

     "xACId":"ERROR IO #1 ERROR",

8.1.4. A0004 Less serious configuration error


8.1.5. A0005 Synchronisation error (coordination)

     "xACId":"ERROR: SYNC ERROR 4",

8.1.6. A0006 Safety error

     "xACId":"ERROR MAINS #4",

8.1.7. A0007 Communication error

     "xACId":"ERROR NTP ERROR #9",

8.1.8. A0008 Dead lock error

     "xACId":"ERROR DELAY #10",

8.1.9. A0009 Other error

     "xACId":"ERROR NO PLANS",

8.1.10. A0010 Door open

     "xACId":"ERROR DOOR #5 OPEN",

8.1.11. A0101 Pushbutton error

     "xACId":"ERROR PUSH BUTTON #3",

8.1.12. A0201 Serious lamp error

     "xACId":"ERROR LAMP OFF RED #1",

8.1.13. A0202 Less serious lamp error

     "xACId":"ERROR LAMP E4 RED #1",

8.1.14. A0301 Detector error (hardware)

     "xACId":"ERROR LOOP OPEN #1",

8.1.15. A0302 Detector error (logic error)


8.1.16. A0303 Serious detector error (hardware)


8.1.17. A0304 Serious detector error (logic error)


8.2. Statuses

8.2.1. S0001 Signal group status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.2. S0002 Detector logic status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.3. S0003 Input status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.4. S0004 Output status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.5. S0005 Traffic Light Controller starting

Status Request


Status Response

             "s": [{
                     "intersection": "1",
                     "startup": "True"
                     "intersection": "2",
                     "startup": "False"

8.2.6. S0006 Emergency route

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.7. S0007 Controller switched on

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.8. S0008 Manual control

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.9. S0009 Fixed time control

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.10. S0010 Isolated control

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.11. S0011 Yellow flash

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.12. S0012 All red

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.13. S0013 Police key

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.14. S0014 Current time plan

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.15. S0015 Current traffic situation

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.16. S0016 Number of detector logics

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.17. S0017 Number of signal groups

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.18. S0019 Number of traffic situations

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.19. S0020 Control mode

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.20. S0021 Manually set detector logic

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.21. S0022 List of time plans

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.22. S0023 Command table

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.23. S0024 Offset time

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.24. S0025 Time-to-green

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.25. S0026 Week time table

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.26. S0027 Time tables

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.27. S0028 Cycle time

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.28. S0029 Forced input status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.29. S0030 Forced output status

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.30. S0031 Trigger level sensitivity for loop detector

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.31. S0032 Coordinated control

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.32. S0033 Signal Priority Status

Status Request

    "mType": "rSMsg",
    "type": "StatusRequest",
    "mId": "f1a13213-b90a-4abc-8953-2b8142923c55",
    "sS": [{
            "sCI": "S0033",
            "n": "status"

Status Response

    "mType": "rSMsg",
    "type": "StatusResponse",
    "mId": "f1a13213-b90a-4abc-8953-2b8142923c55",
    "sS": [{
            "sCI": "S0033",
            "n": "status",
            "q": "recent",
            "s": [{
                    "r": "f90c",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:06:38.796Z",
                    "s": "received"
                    "r": "uhnv",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:04:12.348Z",
                    "s": "completed",
                    "e": "5",
                    "d": "10"
                    "r": "oh0i",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:06:38.796Z",
                    "s": "activated"
                    "r": "f90c",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:06:39.796Z",
                    "s": "completed"
                    "r": "3ia2",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:06:48.796Z",
                    "s": "queued",
                    "r": "5hc0",
                    "t": "2021-11-09T15:06:48.796Z",
                    "s": "timeout"

8.2.33. S0034 Timeout for dynamic bands

Status Request

    "mType": "rSMsg",
    "type": "StatusRequest",
    "mId": "f1a13213-b90a-4abc-8953-2b8142923c55",
    "sS": [{
            "sCI": "S0034",
            "n": "status"

Status Response


8.2.34. S0035 Emergency route

Status Request

             "sCI": "S0035",

Status Response

             "s": [{
                     "id": "1"
                     "id": "2"

8.2.35. S0091 Operator logged in/out OP-panel

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.36. S0092 Operator logged web-interface

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.37. S0095 Version of Traffic Light Controller

Status Request


Status Response

             "s":"TLC product 13, version 5",

8.2.38. S0096 Current date and time

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.39. S0097 Checksum of traffic parameters

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.40. S0098 Configuration of traffic parameters

Status Request


Status Response

             "s":"Controller 1234. Version 5. Added SG3",

8.2.41. S0201 Traffic Counting: Number of vehicles

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.42. S0202 Traffic Counting: Vehicle speed

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.43. S0203 Traffic Counting: Occupancy

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.44. S0204 Traffic Counting: Number of vehicles of given classification

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.45. S0205 Traffic Counting: Number of vehicles

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.46. S0206 Traffic Counting: Vehicle speed

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.47. S0207 Traffic Counting: Occupancy

Status Request


Status Response


8.2.48. S0208 Traffic Counting: Number of vehicles of given classification

Status Request


Status Response


8.3. Commands

8.3.1. M0001 Sets functional position

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.2. M0002 Sets current time plan

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.3. M0003 Sets traffic situation the controller uses

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.4. M0004 Restarts Traffic Light Controller

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.5. M0005 Activate emergency route

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.6. M0006 Activate input

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.7. M0007 Activate fixed time control

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.8. M0008 Sets manual activation of detector logic

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.9. M0010 Start of signal group

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.10. M0011 Stop of signal group

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.11. M0012 Request start or stop of a series of signal groups

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.12. M0013 Activate a series of inputs

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.13. M0014 Set command table

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.14. M0015 Set Offset time

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.15. M0016 Set week time table

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.16. M0017 Set time tables

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.17. M0018 Set cycle time

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.18. M0019 Force input

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.19. M0020 Force output

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.20. M0021 Set trigger level sensitivity for loop detector

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.21. M0022 Request Signal Priority

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.22. M0023 Set timeout for dynamic bands

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.23. M0103 Set security code

Command Request


Command Response


8.3.24. M0104 Set clock

Command Request


Command Response
