4. Traffic data
Traffic data (S0201-S0208) needs additional requirements in order to work correctly.
The supervision system uses StatusSubscribe and StatusUpdate to continuously receive traffic data from the TLC using subscriptions.
starttime is the time stamp of start of measuring. E.g. if a subscription update is sent at 15:05 using a subscription update rate of 300 (5 minutes), starttime would be set to 15.00 and vehicles (S0201) would contain the number of vehicles between 15:00 and 15:05.
Traffic counting must be made at even time intervals. For instance; if updateRate=300 (every 5 minutes) is set at the status subscription, the traffic counter must start at 15:00:00, 15:05:00, 15:10:00 and so on.
No initial status update should be sent directly after receiving status subscription. Status updates should only be sent at even time intervals and not contain partial counting, e.g. 15:01-15:03 if updateRate=300
The traffic counter must not reset its traffic counter after receiving a new subscription request. The traffic counter may only reset its traffic counter at even time intervals.
Buffering of traffic data during connection interruptions should be possible to enable/disable in the equipment. If buffering is enabled it means that active subscriptions of traffic data (S0201-S0208) should remain active and not be canceled at connection interruption or at reestablishment.
The traffic data must be buffered according to the time interval as determined by the status subscription if buffering is enabled.