» »
Verify that we can read input status with S0003, extendedinputstatus attribute
Given the site is connected
When we read input with S0029
Then we should receive a valid response
14 15 16 17
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 14 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "input status", { S0003: [:inputstatus,:extendedinputstatus] } end
Verify that we can read input status with S0003
Given the site is connected
When we read input with S0029
Then we should receive a valid response
25 26 27 28
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 25 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "input status", { S0003: [:inputstatus] } end
Verify that we can read forced input status with S0029
Given the site is connected
When we read input with S0029
Then we should receive a valid response
36 37 38 39
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 36 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "forced input status", { S0029: [:status] } end
Verify that we can force input with M0019
Given the site is connected
And the input is forced off
When we force the input on
Then S0003 should show the input on
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 49 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site inputs = Validator.get_config('items','inputs') skip("No inputs configured") if inputs.nil? || inputs.empty? inputs.each do |input| force_input input: input, status: 'True', value: 'False' force_input input: input, status: 'True', value: 'True' ensure force_input input: input, status: 'False', validate: false end end
Verify that we can activate input with M0006
Given the site is connected
When we activate input with M0006
Then S0003 should show the input is active
When we deactivate input with M0006
Then S0003 should show the input is inactive
70 71 72 73 74 75 76
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 70 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site inputs = Validator.get_config('items','inputs') skip("No inputs configured") if inputs.nil? || inputs.empty? prepare task, site inputs.each { |input| switch_input input } end
Verify that we can acticate/deactivate a series of inputs with M0013
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set a serie of input
Wait for status = true
84 85 86 87 88 89 90
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 84 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site inputs = Validator.get_config('items','inputs') skip("No inputs configured") if inputs.nil? || inputs.empty? status = "1,3,12;5,5,10" set_series_of_inputs status end
Verify that input sensitivity can be set with M0021
Given the site is connected
When we set sensitivity with M0021
Then we receive a confirmation
98 99 100 101 102
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 98 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site status = '1-50' set_trigger_level status end
» »
Verify that output status can be read with S0004
Given the site is connected
When we subscribe to S0004
We should receive a status updated
And the outputstatus attribute should be a digit string
113 114 115 116 117
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 113 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site request_status_and_confirm site, "output status", { S0004: [:outputstatus] } end
Verify that output status can be read with S0004
Given the site is connected
When we subscribe to S0004
We should receive a status updated
And the outputstatus attribute should be a digit string
113 114 115 116 117
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 113 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site request_status_and_confirm site, "output status", { S0004: [:outputstatus] } end
Verify that forced output status can be read with S0030
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
138 139 140 141 142
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 138 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site request_status_and_confirm site, "forced output status", { S0030: [:status] } end
Verify that output can be forced with M0020
Given the site is connected
When we force output with M0020
Wait for status = true
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
# File 'spec/site/tlc/io_spec.rb', line 150 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site outputs = Validator.get_config('items','outputs') skip("No outputs configured") if outputs.nil? || outputs.empty? outputs.each do |output| force_output output: output, status:'True', value:'True' force_output output: output, status:'True', value:'False' ensure force_output output: output, status:'False', validate: false end end
Validate that a detector logic fault A0302 is raises and cleared.
The test requires that the device is programmed so that the alarm is raise when a specific input is activated, as specified in the test configuration.
Given the site is connected
When we force the input to True
Then an alarm should be raised, with a timestamp close to now
When we force the input to False
Then the alarm issue should become inactive, with a timestamp close to now
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 30 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| alarm_code_id = 'A0302' prepare task, site def alarm, duration=1.minute alarm_time = Time.parse(alarm.attributes["aTs"]) expect(alarm_time).to be_within(duration).of Time.now.utc end deactivated, component_id = with_alarm_activated(task, site, alarm_code_id) do |alarm,component_id| # raise alarm, by activating input alarm log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now Active on component #{component_id}" end deactivated log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now Inactive on component #{component_id}" end
Validate that an alarm can be acknowledged.
The test expects that the TLC is programmed so that an detector logic fault alarm A0302 is raised and can be acknowledged when a specific input is activated. The alarm code and input nr is read from the test configuration.
Given the site is connected
When we trigger an alarm
Then we should receive an unacknowledged alarm issue
When we acknowledge the alarm
Then we should recieve an acknowledged alarm issue
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 59 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site alarm_code_id = 'A0302' # what alarm to expect timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','alarm') log "Activating alarm #{alarm_code_id}" deactivate, component_id = with_alarm_activated(task, site, alarm_code_id) do |alarm, component_id| # raise alarm, by activating input log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now active on component #{component_id}" # verify timestamp alarm_time = Time.parse(alarm.attributes["aTs"]) expect(alarm_time).to be_within(1.minute).of Time.now.utc # test acknowledge and confirm log "Acknowledge alarm #{alarm_code_id}" collect_task = task.async do RSMP::AlarmCollector.new(site, num: 1, matcher: { 'aCId' => alarm_code_id, 'aSp' => /Acknowledge/i, 'ack' => /Acknowledged/i, 'aS' => /Active/i }, timeout: timeout ).collect! end site. RSMP::AlarmAcknowledge.new( 'cId' => component_id, 'aTs' => site.clock.to_s, 'aCId' => alarm_code_id ) = collect_task.wait expect().to be_an(Array) expect(.first).to be_a(RSMP::Alarm) end end
Validate that alarms can be suspended. We’re using A0302 in this test.
Given the site is connected
And the alarm is resumed
When we suspend the alarm
Then we should received an alarm suspended messsage
When we resume the alarm
Then we should receive an alarm resumed message
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 110 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| alarm_code_id = 'A0302' input, component_id = find_alarm_programming(alarm_code_id) # first resume alarm to make sure something happens when we suspend resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: false begin # suspend alarm request, response = suspend_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: true expect(response).to be_a(RSMP::AlarmSuspended) # resume alarm request, response = resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: true expect(response).to be_a(RSMP::AlarmResumed) ensure # always end with resuming alarm resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: false end end
Verify status 0096 current date and time
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 22 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "current date and time", { S0096: [ :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, ] } end
Verify status S0096 clock after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set_clock
Request status S0096
Compare set_clock and status timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 55 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do status_list = { S0096: [ :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, ] } result = site.request_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), convert_status_list(status_list), collect!: { timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_update') } collector = result[:collector] status = status_list.keys.first.to_s received = Time.new( collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "year"} )['s'], collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "month"} )['s'], collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "day"} )['s'], collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "hour"} )['s'], collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "minute"} )['s'], collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "second"} )['s'], 'UTC' ) max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') diff = received - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Clock reported by S0096 is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify status response timestamp after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set_clock
Request status S0096
Compare set_clock and response timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 104 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do status_list = { S0096: [ :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, ] } result = site.request_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), convert_status_list(status_list), collect!: { timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') } collector = result[:collector] max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') diff = Time.parse(collector..first.attributes['sTs']) - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of S0096 is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify aggregated status response timestamp after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set clock
Wait for status = true
Request aggregated status
Compare set_clock and response timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 143 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do result = site.request_aggregated_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), collect!: { timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') } collector = result[:collector] max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') diff = Time.parse(collector..first.attributes['aSTS']) - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of aggregated status is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify command response timestamp after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set clock
Send command to set functional position
Compare set_clock and response timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 169 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do result = set_functional_position 'NormalControl' collector = result[:collector] max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') * 2 diff = Time.parse(collector..first.attributes['cTS']) - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of command response is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify command response timestamp after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to set clock
Send command to set functional position
Compare set_clock and response timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 193 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do result = set_functional_position 'NormalControl' collector = result[:collector] max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') diff = Time.parse(collector..first.attributes['cTS']) - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of command response is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify timestamp of alarm after changing clock The test requires the device to be programmed so that a A0302 alarm can be raise by activating a specific input, as configuted in the test config.
Given the site is connected
When we send a command to change the clock
And we raise an alarm, by acticate an input
Then we should receive an alarm
And the alarm timestamp should be close to the time set the clock to
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 221 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do # set clock with_alarm_activated(task, site, 'A0302') do |alarm| # raise alarm, by activating input alarm_time = Time.parse( alarm.attributes["aTs"] ) max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') diff = alarm_time - CLOCK expect(diff.round.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of alarm is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end end
Verify timestamp of watchdog after changing clock
Given the site is connected
Send control command to setset_clock
Wait for Watchdog
Compare set_clock and alarm response timestamp
Expect the difference to be within max_diff
245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259
# File 'spec/site/tlc/clock_spec.rb', line 245 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site site.with_watchdog_disabled do # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs with_clock_set site, CLOCK do log "Checking watchdog timestamp" collector = RSMP::Collector.new site, task:task, type: "Watchdog", num: 1, timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','watchdog') collector.collect! max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') diff = Time.parse(collector..first.attributes['wTs']) - CLOCK diff = diff.round expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff, "Timestamp of watchdog is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s" end end end
Verify status S0020 control mode
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
11 12 13 14
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "control mode", { S0020: [:controlmode,:intersection] } end
Verify status S0005 traffic controller starting by intersection statusByIntersection requires core >= 3.2, since it uses the array data type.
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
23 24 25 26
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 23 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic controller starting (true/false)", { S0005: [:statusByIntersection] } end
Verify status S0005 traffic controller starting by intersection statusByIntersection requires core >= 3.2, since it uses the array data type.
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
23 24 25 26
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 23 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic controller starting (true/false)", { S0005: [:statusByIntersection] } end
Verify status S0007 controller switched on, source attribute
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
48 49 50 51
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 48 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| status_list = { S0007: [:status,:intersection,:source] } request_status_and_confirm site, "controller switch on (dark mode=off)", status_list end
Verify status S0007 controller switched on, source attribute
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
48 49 50 51
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 48 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| status_list = { S0007: [:status,:intersection,:source] } request_status_and_confirm site, "controller switch on (dark mode=off)", status_list end
Verify status S0008 manual control
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 72 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0008: [:status,:intersection,:source] } else status_list = { S0008: [:status,:intersection] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "manual control status", status_list end
Verify status S0009 fixed time control
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 88 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0009: [:status,:intersection,:source] } else status_list = { S0009: [:status,:intersection] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "fixed time control status", status_list end
Verify command M0007 fixed time control
Verify connection
Send command to switch to fixed time = true
Wait for status = true
Send command to switch to fixed time = false
Wait for status = false
106 107 108 109 110
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 106 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site switch_fixed_time 'True' switch_fixed_time 'False' end
Verify status S0010 isolated control
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 119 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0010: [:status,:intersection,:source] } else status_list = { S0010: [:status,:intersection] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "isolated control status", status_list end
Verify status S0032 coordinated control
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
135 136 137 138
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 135 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| status_list = { S0032: [:status,:intersection,:source] } request_status_and_confirm site, "coordinated control status", status_list end
Verify status S0011 yellow flash
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 147 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0011: [:status,:intersection,:source] } else status_list = { S0011: [:status,:intersection] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "yellow flash status", status_list end
Verify that we can activate yellow flash
Given the site is connected
Send the control command to switch to Yellow flash
Wait for status Yellow flash
Send command to switch to normal control
Wait for status “Yellow flash” = false, “Controller starting”= false, “Controller on”= true“
165 166 167 168 169
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 165 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site switch_yellow_flash switch_normal_control end
Verify that we can yellow flash causes all groups to go to state ‘c’
Given the site is connected
Send the control command to switch to Yellow flash
Wait for all groups to go to group ‘c’
Send command to switch to normal control
Wait for all groups to switch do something else that ‘c’
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 180 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','yellow_flash') switch_yellow_flash wait_for_groups 'c', timeout: timeout # c mean s yellow flash switch_normal_control wait_for_groups '[^c]', timeout: timeout # not c, ie. not yellow flash end
Verify status S0012 all red
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 198 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0012: [:status,:intersection,:source] } else status_list = { S0012: [:status,:intersection] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "all-red status", status_list end
Verify status S0013 police key
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
214 215 216 217
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 214 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "police key", { S0013: [:status] } end
Verify that we can activate dark mode
Given the site is connected
Send the control command to switch todarkmode
Wait for status“Controller on” = false
Send command to switch to normal control
Wait for status “Yellow flash” = false, “Controller starting”= false, “Controller on”= true“
228 229 230 231 232
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 228 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site switch_dark_mode switch_normal_control end
Verify that we can activate yellow flash and after 1 minute goes back to NormalControl
Given the site is connected
Send the control command to switch to Normal Control, and wait for this
Send the control command to switch to Yellow flash
Wait for status Yellow flash
Wait for automatic revert to Normal Control
243 244 245 246 247 248 249
# File 'spec/site/tlc/modes_spec.rb', line 243 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site switch_normal_control minutes = 1 switch_yellow_flash timeout_minutes: minutes wait_normal_control timeout: minutes*60 + Validator.get_config('timeouts','functional_position') end
Verify status S0091 operator logged in/out OP-panel
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
# File 'spec/site/tlc/system_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0091: [:user] } else status_list = { S0091: [:user, :status] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "operator logged in/out OP-panel", status_list end
Verify status S0092 operator logged in/out web-interface
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
# File 'spec/site/tlc/system_spec.rb', line 27 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0092: [:user] } else status_list = { S0092: [:user, :status] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "operator logged in/out web-interface", status_list end
Verify status S0095 version of traffic controller
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
43 44 45 46
# File 'spec/site/tlc/system_spec.rb', line 43 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "version of traffic controller", { S0095: [:status] } end
Verify connection
Send control command to set securitycode_level
Wait for status = true
Send control command to setsecuritycode_level
Wait for status = true
55 56 57 58 59
# File 'spec/site/tlc/system_spec.rb', line 55 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site set_security_code 1 set_security_code 2 end
Verify that the site responds with NotAck if we send incorrect security cdoes. RThis hehaviour is defined in SXL >= 1.1. For earlier versions, The behaviour is undefined.
Given the site is connected
When we send a M0008 command with incorrect security codes
Then we should received a NotAck
69 70 71 72
# File 'spec/site/tlc/system_spec.rb', line 69 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site expect { wrong_security_code }.to raise_error(RSMP::MessageRejected) end
Check that we can subscribe to status messages. The test subscribes to S0001 (signal group status), because it will usually change once per second, but otherwise the choice is arbitrary as we simply want to check that the subscription mechanism works.
check that we receive a status update with a predefined time
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
# File 'spec/site/tlc/subscribe_spec.rb', line 15 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| log "Subscribe to status and wait for update" component = Validator.get_config('main_component') status_list = [{'sCI'=>'S0001','n'=>'signalgroupstatus','uRt'=>'1'}] status_list.map! { |item| item.merge!('sOc' => true) } if use_sOc?(site) site.subscribe_to_status component, status_list, collect!: { timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_update') } ensure unsubscribe_list = status_list.map { |item| item.slice('sCI','n') } site.unsubscribe_to_status component, unsubscribe_list end
Verify status S0014 current time plan
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0014: [:status,:source] } else status_list = { S0014: [:status] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "current time plan", status_list end
Verify that we change time plan (signal program) We try switching all programs configured
Given the site is connected
And there is a Validator.get_config(‘validator’) with a time plan
When we send the command
We should receive a confirmative command response before timeout
Verify status S0018 number of time plans Deprecated from 1.2, use S0022 instead.
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
44 45 46 47
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 44 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "number of time plans", { S0018: [:number] } end
Verify status S0022 list of time plans
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
56 57 58 59
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 56 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "list of time plans", { S0022: [:status] } end
Verify status S0026 week time table
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
68 69 70 71
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 68 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "week time table", { S0026: [:status] } end
Verify that we can set week table with M0016
Given the site is connected
When we send the command
We should receive a confirmative command response before timeout
80 81 82 83 84
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 80 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| status = "0-1,6-2" prepare task, site set_week_table status end
Verify status S0027 time tables
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
93 94 95 96
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 93 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "command table", { S0027: [:status] } end
Verify that we can set day table with M0017
Given the site is connected
When we send the command
We should receive a confirmative command response before timeout
105 106 107 108 109
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 105 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| status = "12-1-12-59,1-0-23-12" prepare task, site set_day_table status end
Verify status S0097 version of traffic program
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
118 119 120 121
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 118 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "version of traffic program", { S0097: [:timestamp,:checksum] } end
Verify status S0098 configuration of traffic parameters
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 130 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| result = request_status_and_confirm site, "config of traffic parameters", { S0098: [:timestamp,:config,:version] } # the site should have stored the received status = result[:collector]..first expect().to be_an(RSMP::StatusResponse) values = .attributes['sS'].map { |item| [item['n'], item['s']] }.to_h expect(values['timestamp']).not_to be_empty expect(values['config']).not_to be_empty expect(values['timestamp']).not_to be_empty end
Verify status S0023 command table
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
151 152 153 154
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 151 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "command table", { S0023: [:status] } end
Verify that dynamic bands can the set with M0014
Given the site is connected
When we send the command
We should receive a confirmative command response before timeout
Verify that dynamic bands can be read and changed
Given the site is connected
And we read dynamic band
When we set dynamic band to 2x previous value
Then reading dynamic bands should confirm the change
Finally when we revert dynamic band to previous value
Then reading dynamic bands should confirm the reversion
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 181 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site plan = Validator.get_config('items','plans').first band = 3 value = get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) || 0 expect( value ).to be_a(Integer) new_value = value + 1 set_dynamic_bands plan, "#{band}-#{new_value}" expect( get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) ).to eq(new_value) set_dynamic_bands plan, "#{band}-#{value}" expect( get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) ).to eq(value) end
Verify command M0023 timeout of dynamic bands
Given the site is connected
When we send command to set timeout
Then we should get a confirmation
When we send command to disable timeout
Then we should get a confirmation
207 208 209 210 211 212 213
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 207 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site status = 10 set_timeout_for_dynamic_bands status status = 0 set_timeout_for_dynamic_bands status end
Verify status S0024 offset time
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
222 223 224 225
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 222 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "offset time", { S0024: [:status] } end
Verify connection
Send control command to set dynamic_bands
Wait for status = true
Verify status S0028 cycle time
Given the site is connected
When we request the status
We should receive a status response before timeout
246 247 248 249
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 246 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "cycle time", { S0028: [:status] } end
Verify that cycle time can be changed with M0018
Given the site is connected
And we read cycle times
When we extend cycle time of curent plan with 5s
Then reading the cycle time should confirm the change
Finally when we revert cycle time to previous value
Then reading cycle time should confirm the reversion
261 262 263 264 265
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_plans_spec.rb', line 261 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| with_cycle_time_extended(site) do log "Cycle time extension confirmed" end end
Verify status S0201 traffic counting: number of vehicles
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
11 12 13 14 15
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: number of vehicles", { S0201: [:starttime,:vehicles] }, Validator.get_config('components','detector_logic').keys.first end
Verify status S0205 traffic counting: number of vehicles
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
24 25 26 27
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 24 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: number of vehicles", { S0205: [:start,:vehicles] } end
Verify status S0202 traffic counting: vehicle speed
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
36 37 38 39 40
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 36 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: vehicle speed", { S0202: [:starttime,:speed] }, Validator.get_config('components','detector_logic').keys.first end
Verify status S0206 traffic counting: vehicle speed
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
49 50 51 52
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 49 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: vehicle speed", { S0206: [:start,:speed] } end
Verify status S0203 traffic counting: occupancy
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
61 62 63 64 65
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 61 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: occupancy", { S0203: [:starttime,:occupancy] }, Validator.get_config('components','detector_logic').keys.first end
Verify status S0207 traffic counting: occupancy
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 74 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site result = wait_for_status task, "traffic counting: occupancy", { S0207: [:start,:occupancy] }, update_rate: 60 status = result[:collector]..first expect(status).to be_a(RSMP::StatusUpdate) occupancy_item = status.attribute("sS").find {|item| item["n"] == "occupancy" } expect(occupancy_item).to be_a(Hash) occupancies = occupancy_item["s"].split(",") occupancies.each do |occupancy| num = occupancy.to_i expect((-1..100).cover?(num)).to be_truthy, "Occupancy must be in the range -1..100, got #{num}" end end
Verify status S0204 traffic counting: classification
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 98 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: classification", { S0204: [ :starttime, :P, :PS, :L, :LS, :B, :SP, :MC, :C, :F ] }, Validator.get_config('components','detector_logic').keys.first end
Verify status S0208 traffic counting: classification
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_data_spec.rb', line 122 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "traffic counting: classification", { S0208: [ :start, :P, :PS, :L, :LS, :B, :SP, :MC, :C, :F ] } end
Validate that a signal group can be ordered to green using the M0010 command.
Verify connection
Send control command to start signalgrup, set_signal_start= true, include security_code
Wait for status = true
11 12 13 14
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site set_signal_start end
Verify connection
Send control command to stop signalgrup, set_signal_start= false, include security_code
Wait for status = true
21 22 23 24
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 21 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site set_signal_stop end
Verify that signal group status can be read with S0001.
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
33 34 35 36
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 33 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "signal group status", { S0001: [:signalgroupstatus, :cyclecounter, :basecyclecounter, :stage] } end
Verify that time-of-green/time-of-red can be read with S0025.
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 45 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "time-of-green/time-of-red", { S0025: [ :minToGEstimate, :maxToGEstimate, :likelyToGEstimate, :ToGConfidence, :minToREstimate, :maxToREstimate, :likelyToREstimate ] }, Validator.get_config('components','signal_group').keys.first end
Verify status S0017 number of signal groups
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
66 67 68 69
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 66 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "number of signal groups", { S0017: [:number] } end
Verify that we can activate normal control after yellow flash mode is turned off
Given the site is connected and in yellow flash mode
When we activate normal control
All signal groups should go through e, f and g
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_groups_spec.rb', line 78 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site verify_startup_sequence do switch_yellow_flash set_functional_position 'NormalControl' end set_functional_position 'NormalControl' end
Verify status S0016 number of detector logics
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
11 12 13 14
# File 'spec/site/tlc/detector_logics_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "number of detector logics", { S0016: [:number] } end
Verify status S0002 detector logic status
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
23 24 25 26
# File 'spec/site/tlc/detector_logics_spec.rb', line 23 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "detector logic status", { S0002: [:detectorlogicstatus] } end
Verify status S0021 manually set detector logic
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
35 36 37 38
# File 'spec/site/tlc/detector_logics_spec.rb', line 35 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "detector logic forcing", { S0021: [:detectorlogics] } end
Verify connection
Send control command to switch detector_logic= true
Wait for status = true
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
# File 'spec/site/tlc/detector_logics_spec.rb', line 45 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site Validator.get_config('components','detector_logic').keys.each_with_index do |component, indx| force_detector_logic component, mode:'True' wait_for_status(@task, "detector logic #{component} to be True", [{'sCI'=>'S0002','n'=>'detectorlogicstatus','s'=>/^.{#{indx}}1/}] ) force_detector_logic component, mode:'False' wait_for_status(@task, "detector logic #{component} to be False", [{'sCI'=>'S0002','n'=>'detectorlogicstatus','s'=>/^.{#{indx}}0/}] ) end end
Verify status S0031 trigger level sensitivity for loop detector
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
70 71 72 73
# File 'spec/site/tlc/detector_logics_spec.rb', line 70 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "loop detector sensitivity", { S0031: [:status] } end
Validate that a signal priority can be requested.
Given the site is connected
When we send a signal priority request
Then we should receive an acknowledgement
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_priority_spec.rb', line 13 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| signal_group = Validator.get_config('components','signal_group').keys.first command_list = build_command_list :M0022, :requestPriority, { requestId: SecureRandom.uuid()[0..3], signalGroupId: signal_group, type: 'new', level: 7, eta: 10, vehicleType: 'car' } prepare task, site send_command_and_confirm @task, command_list, "Request signal priority for signal group #{signal_group}" end
Validate that signal priority status can be requested.
Given the site is connected
When we request signal priority status
Then we should receive a status update
35 36 37 38
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_priority_spec.rb', line 35 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "signal group status", { S0033: [:status] } end
Validate that we can subscribe signal priority status
Given the site is connected
And we subscribe to signal priority status updates
Then we should receive an acknowledgement
And we should reive a status updates
48 49 50 51 52 53
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_priority_spec.rb', line 48 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site status_list = [{'sCI'=>'S0033','n'=>'status','uRt'=>'0'}] status_list.map! { |item| item.merge!('sOc' => true) } if use_sOc?(site) wait_for_status task, 'signal priority status', status_list end
Validate that a signal priority completes when we cancel it.
Given the site is connected
And we subscribe to signal priority status
When we send a signal priority request
Then the request state should become ‘received’
Then the request state should become ‘activated’
When we cancel the request
Then the state should become ‘completed’
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_priority_spec.rb', line 67 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','priority_completion') component = Validator.get_config('main_component') signal_group_id = Validator.get_config('components','signal_group').keys.first prio = Validator::StatusHelpers::SignalPriorityRequestHelper.new( site, component: component, signal_group_id: signal_group_id, timeout: timeout, task: task ) prio.run do log "Before: Send unrelated signal priority request." prio. log "Send signal priority request, wait for reception." prio.request log "After: Send unrelated signal priority request." prio. prio.expect :received log "Signal priority request was received, wait for activation." prio.expect :activated log "Signal priority request was activated, now cancel it and wait for completion." prio.cancel prio.expect :completed log "Signal priority request was completed." end end
Validate that a signal priority times out if not cancelled.
Given the site is connected
And we subscribe to signal priority status
When we send a signal priority request
Then the request state should become ‘received’
Then the request state should become ‘activated’
When we do not cancel the request
Then the state should become ‘stale’
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
# File 'spec/site/tlc/signal_priority_spec.rb', line 114 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','priority_completion') component = Validator.get_config('main_component') signal_group_id = Validator.get_config('components','signal_group').keys.first prio = Validator::StatusHelpers::SignalPriorityRequestHelper.new( site, component: component, signal_group_id: signal_group_id, timeout: timeout, task: task ) prio.run do log "Before: Send unrelated signal priority request." prio. log "Send signal priority request, wait for reception." prio.request log "After: Send unrelated signal priority request." prio. prio.expect :received log "Signal priority request was received, wait for activation." prio.expect :activated log "Signal priority request was activated, wait for it to become stale." # don't cancel request, it should then become stale by itself prio.expect :stale log "Signal priority request became stale." end end
Verify that current emergency route can be read with S0006. Depreciated from 1.2, use S0035 instead.
Given the site is connected.
When we request S0006.
Then we should receive a status response.
12 13 14 15
# File 'spec/site/tlc/emergency_routes_spec.rb', line 12 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "emergency route status", { S0006: [:status,:emergencystage] } end
Verify that current emergency routes can be read with S0035. Requires core >= 3.2 since it uses the array data type.
Given the site is connected.
When we request S0035.
Then we should receive a status response.
24 25 26 27
# File 'spec/site/tlc/emergency_routes_spec.rb', line 24 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "emergency route status", { S0035: [:emergencyroutes] } end
Verify that emergency routes can be activated with M0005. S0006 should reflect the last route enabled/disabled.
Given the site is connected.
When we send M0005 to set emergency route.
Then we should get a command responds confirming the change.
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
# File 'spec/site/tlc/emergency_routes_spec.rb', line 36 emergency_routes = Validator.get_config('items','emergency_routes') skip("No emergency routes configured") if emergency_routes.nil? || emergency_routes.empty? def set_emergency_states task, emergency_routes, state emergency_routes.each do |emergency_route| set_emergency_route emergency_route.to_s, state end wait_for_status(task, "emergency route #{emergency_routes.last} to be enabled", [ {'sCI'=>'S0006','n'=>'status','s'=>(state ? 'True' : 'False')}, {'sCI'=>'S0006','n'=>'emergencystage','s'=>(state ? emergency_routes.last.to_s : '0')} ] ) end Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site set_emergency_states task, emergency_routes, false begin set_emergency_states task, emergency_routes, true ensure set_emergency_states task, emergency_routes, false end end
- Traffic Light Controller Emergency Route emergency routes can be activated with M0005 and read with S0035
Verify that emergency routes can be activated with M0005. S0035 should show all active routes.
Given the site is connected.
When we send M0005 to set emergency route.
Then we should get a command responds confirming the change.
When we request the current emergency routes with S035.
Then we should receive the list of active routes.
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
# File 'spec/site/tlc/emergency_routes_spec.rb', line 71 def enable_routes task, emergency_routes emergency_routes.each { |emergency_route| set_emergency_route emergency_route.to_s, true } routes = emergency_routes.map {|i| {'id'=>i.to_s} } wait_for_status(task, "emergency routes #{emergency_routes.to_s} to be enabled", [ {'sCI'=>'S0035','n'=>'emergencyroutes','s'=>routes} ] ) end def disable_routes task, emergency_routes emergency_routes.each { |emergency_route| set_emergency_route emergency_route.to_s, false } routes = [] wait_for_status(task, "all emergency routes to be disabled", [ {'sCI'=>'S0035','n'=>'emergencyroutes','s'=>routes} ] ) end emergency_routes = Validator.get_config('items','emergency_routes') skip("No emergency routes configured") if emergency_routes.nil? || emergency_routes.empty? Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site disable_routes task, emergency_routes begin enable_routes task, emergency_routes ensure disable_routes task, emergency_routes end end
Verify status S0015 current traffic situation
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_situations_spec.rb', line 11 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' ) status_list = { S0015: [:status,:source] } else status_list = { S0015: [:status] } end request_status_and_confirm site, "current traffic situation", status_list end
Verify that we change traffic situation
Given the site is connected
Verify that there is a Validator.get_config(‘validator’) with a traffic situation
Send the control command to switch traffic situation for each traffic situation
Wait for status “Current traffic situation” = requested traffic situation
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_situations_spec.rb', line 28 situations = Validator.get_config('items','traffic_situations') skip("No traffic situations configured") if situations.nil? || situations.empty? Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site situations.each { |traffic_situation| switch_traffic_situation traffic_situation.to_s } ensure unset_traffic_situation end
Verify status S0019 number of traffic situations
Given the site is connected
Request status
Expect status response before timeout
44 45 46 47
# File 'spec/site/tlc/traffic_situations_spec.rb', line 44 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| request_status_and_confirm site, "number of traffic situations", { S0019: [:number] } end
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.1.1
Given the site is connected and using core 3.1.1
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.1
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 11 check_sequence '3.1.1'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.1.2
Given the site is connected and using core 3.1.2
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.2
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 21 check_sequence '3.1.2'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.1.3
Given the site is connected and using core 3.1.3
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.3
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 31 check_sequence '3.1.3'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.1.4
Given the site is connected and using core 3.1.4
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.4
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 41 check_sequence '3.1.4'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.1.5
Given the site is connected and using core 3.1.5
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.5
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 51 check_sequence '3.1.5'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.2
Given the site is connected and using core 3.2
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.5
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 61 check_sequence '3.2'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.2.1
Given the site is connected and using core 3.2.1
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.5
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 71 check_sequence '3.2.1'
Verify the connection sequence when using rsmp core 3.2.2
Given the site is connected and using core 3.2.2
When handshake messages are sent and received
Then the handshake messages should be in the specified sequence corresponding to version 3.1.5
And the connection sequence should be complete
# File 'spec/site/core/connect_spec.rb', line 81 check_sequence '3.2.2'
Given the site has just connected
When our supervisor does not acknowledge watchdogs
Then the site should disconnect
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
# File 'spec/site/core/disconnect_spec.rb', line 16 timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','disconnect') Validator::Site.isolated do |task,supervisor,site_proxy| supervisor.ignore_errors RSMP::DisconnectError do log "Disabling watchdog acknowledgements, site should disconnect" def site_proxy.acknowledge original if original.is_a? RSMP::Watchdog log "Not acknowledgning watchdog", message: original else super end end site_proxy.wait_for_state :disconnected, timeout: timeout end rescue RSMP::TimeoutError raise "Site did not disconnect within #{timeout}s" end
Given the site has just connected
When our supervisor stops sending watchdogs
Then the site should not disconnect
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
# File 'spec/site/core/disconnect_spec.rb', line 38 Validator::Site.isolated do |task,supervisor,site| timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','disconnect') wait_task = task.async do site.wait_for_state :disconnected, timeout: timeout raise RSMP::DisconnectError rescue RSMP::TimeoutError # ok, no disconnect happened end log "Stop sending watchdogs, site should not disconnect" site.with_watchdog_disabled do wait_task.wait end end
Verify that the controller responds to an aggregated status request.
Given the site is connected
When we request aggregated status
Then we should receive an aggregated status
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
# File 'spec/site/core/aggregated_status_spec.rb', line 10 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site log "Request aggregated status" result = site.request_aggregated_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), collect!: { timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response') } end
Verify that aggregated status uses null for unused attributes, from SXL 1.1 For SXL versions before 1.1 empty strings “” is also allowed.
Given the is reconnected
When we receive an aggregated status
Then fP and fS should be null
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
# File 'spec/site/core/aggregated_status_spec.rb', line 26 Validator::Site.isolated( 'collect' => { filter: RSMP::Filter.new(type:"AggregatedStatus"), timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','ready'), num: 1, ingoing: true } ) do |task,supervisor,site_proxy| collector = site_proxy.collector collector.use_task task collector.wait! aggregated_status = site_proxy.collector..first expect(aggregated_status).to be_an(RSMP::AggregatedStatus) expect(aggregated_status.attribute('fP')).to be_nil expect(aggregated_status.attribute('fS')).to be_nil end