Validate that a detector logic fault A0302 is raises and cleared.
The test requires that the device is programmed so that the alarm is raise when a specific input is activated, as specified in the test configuration.
Given the site is connected
When we force the input to True
Then an alarm should be raised, with a timestamp close to now
When we force the input to False
Then the alarm issue should become inactive, with a timestamp close to now
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# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 30 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| alarm_code_id = 'A0302' prepare task, site def alarm, duration=1.minute alarm_time = Time.parse(alarm.attributes["aTs"]) expect(alarm_time).to be_within(duration).of Time.now.utc end deactivated, component_id = with_alarm_activated(task, site, alarm_code_id) do |alarm,component_id| # raise alarm, by activating input alarm log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now Active on component #{component_id}" end deactivated log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now Inactive on component #{component_id}" end
Validate that an alarm can be acknowledged.
The test expects that the TLC is programmed so that an detector logic fault alarm A0302 is raised and can be acknowledged when a specific input is activated. The alarm code and input nr is read from the test configuration.
Given the site is connected
When we trigger an alarm
Then we should receive an unacknowledged alarm issue
When we acknowledge the alarm
Then we should recieve an acknowledged alarm issue
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# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 59 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| prepare task, site alarm_code_id = 'A0302' # what alarm to expect timeout = Validator.get_config('timeouts','alarm') log "Activating alarm #{alarm_code_id}" deactivate, component_id = with_alarm_activated(task, site, alarm_code_id) do |alarm, component_id| # raise alarm, by activating input log "Alarm #{alarm_code_id} is now active on component #{component_id}" # verify timestamp alarm_time = Time.parse(alarm.attributes["aTs"]) expect(alarm_time).to be_within(1.minute).of Time.now.utc # test acknowledge and confirm log "Acknowledge alarm #{alarm_code_id}" collect_task = task.async do RSMP::AlarmCollector.new(site, num: 1, matcher: { 'aCId' => alarm_code_id, 'aSp' => /Acknowledge/i, 'ack' => /Acknowledged/i, 'aS' => /Active/i }, timeout: timeout ).collect! end site. RSMP::AlarmAcknowledge.new( 'cId' => component_id, 'aTs' => site.clock.to_s, 'aCId' => alarm_code_id ) = collect_task.wait expect().to be_an(Array) expect(.first).to be_a(RSMP::Alarm) end end
Validate that alarms can be suspended. We’re using A0302 in this test.
Given the site is connected
And the alarm is resumed
When we suspend the alarm
Then we should received an alarm suspended messsage
When we resume the alarm
Then we should receive an alarm resumed message
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# File 'spec/site/tlc/alarm_spec.rb', line 110 Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site| alarm_code_id = 'A0302' input, component_id = find_alarm_programming(alarm_code_id) # first resume alarm to make sure something happens when we suspend resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: false begin # suspend alarm request, response = suspend_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: true expect(response).to be_a(RSMP::AlarmSuspended) # resume alarm request, response = resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: true expect(response).to be_a(RSMP::AlarmResumed) ensure # always end with resuming alarm resume_alarm site, task, cId: component_id, aCId: alarm_code_id, collect: false end end