Traffic Light Controller Clock


Clock can be read with S0096

Verify status 0096 current date and time

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "current date and time",
    { S0096: [
    ] }

Clock can be set with M0104

Verify that the controller responds to M0104

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send command
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site

Clock is used for M0001 response timestamp

Verify command response timestamp after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to set clock
  3. Send command to set functional position
  4. Compare set_clock and response timestamp
  5. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      result = set_functional_position 'NormalControl'
      collector = result[:collector]
      max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') * 2
      diff = Time.parse(collector.messages.first.attributes['cTS']) - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Timestamp of command response is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for M0104 response timestamp

Verify command response timestamp after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to set clock
  3. Send command to set functional position
  4. Compare set_clock and response timestamp
  5. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      result = set_functional_position 'NormalControl'
      collector = result[:collector]
      max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response')
      diff = Time.parse(collector.messages.first.attributes['cTS']) - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Timestamp of command response is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for S0096 response timestamp

Verify status response timestamp after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to set_clock
  3. Request status S0096
  4. Compare set_clock and response timestamp
  5. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      status_list = { S0096: [
      ] }
      result = site.request_status Validator.get_config('main_component'),
        collect!: {
          timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
      collector = result[:collector]
      max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
      diff = Time.parse(collector.messages.first.attributes['sTs']) - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Timestamp of S0096 is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for S0096 status response

Verify status S0096 clock after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to set_clock
  3. Request status S0096
  4. Compare set_clock and status timestamp
  5. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      status_list = { S0096: [
      ] }
      result = site.request_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), convert_status_list(status_list), collect!: {
        timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_update')
      collector = result[:collector]
      status = status_list.keys.first.to_s
      received =
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "year"} )['s'],
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "month"} )['s'],
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "day"} )['s'],
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "hour"} )['s'],
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "minute"} )['s'],
        collector.matcher_result( {"sCI" => status, "n" => "second"} )['s'],
      max_diff =
        Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') +
      diff = received - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Clock reported by S0096 is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for aggregated status timestamp

Verify aggregated status response timestamp after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to set clock
  3. Wait for status = true
  4. Request aggregated status
  5. Compare set_clock and response timestamp
  6. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      result = site.request_aggregated_status Validator.get_config('main_component'), collect!: {
        timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
      collector = result[:collector]
      max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
      diff = Time.parse(collector.messages.first.attributes['aSTS']) - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Timestamp of aggregated status is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for alarm timestamp

Verify timestamp of alarm after changing clock The test requires the device to be programmed so that a A0302 alarm can be raise by activating a specific input, as configuted in the test config.

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. When we send a command to change the clock
  3. And we raise an alarm, by acticate an input
  4. Then we should receive an alarm
  5. And the alarm timestamp should be close to the time set the clock to
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do                           # set clock
      with_alarm_activated(task, site, 'A0302') do |alarm|   # raise alarm, by activating input
        alarm_time = Time.parse( alarm.attributes["aTs"] )
        max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
        diff = alarm_time - CLOCK
        expect(diff.round.abs).to be <= max_diff,
          "Timestamp of alarm is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"

Clock is used for watchdog timestamp

Verify timestamp of watchdog after changing clock

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Send control command to setset_clock
  3. Wait for Watchdog
  4. Compare set_clock and alarm response timestamp
  5. Expect the difference to be within max_diff
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  site.with_watchdog_disabled do  # avoid time synchronization by disabling watchdogs
    with_clock_set site, CLOCK do
      log "Checking watchdog timestamp"
      collector = site, task:task, type: "Watchdog", num: 1, timeout: Validator.get_config('timeouts','watchdog')
      max_diff = Validator.get_config('timeouts','command_response') + Validator.get_config('timeouts','status_response')
      diff = Time.parse(collector.messages.first.attributes['wTs']) - CLOCK
      diff = diff.round
      expect(diff.abs).to be <= max_diff,
        "Timestamp of watchdog is off by #{diff}s, should be within #{max_diff}s"