Traffic Light Controller Signal Plan


Signal plan config is read with S0098

Verify status S0098 configuration of traffic parameters

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  result = request_status_and_confirm site, "config of traffic parameters",
    { S0098: [:timestamp,:config,:version] }
  # the site  should have stored the received status
  message = result[:collector].messages.first
  expect(message).to be_an(RSMP::StatusResponse)
  values = message.attributes['sS'].map { |item| [item['n'], item['s']] }.to_h
  expect(values['timestamp']).not_to be_empty
  expect(values['config']).not_to be_empty
  expect(values['timestamp']).not_to be_empty

Signal plan currently active is read with S0014

Verify status S0014 current time plan

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  if RSMP::Proxy.version_meets_requirement?( site.sxl_version, '>=1.1' )
    status_list = { S0014: [:status,:source] }
    status_list = { S0014: [:status] }
  request_status_and_confirm site, "current time plan", status_list

Signal plan currently active is set with M0002

Verify that we change time plan (signal program) We try switching all programs configured

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Verify that there is a Validator.get_config(‘validator’) with a time plan
  3. Send command to switch time plan
  4. Wait for status “Current timeplan” = requested time plan
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plans = Validator.get_config('items','plans')
skip("No time plans configured") if plans.nil? || plans.empty?
Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  plans.each { |plan| switch_plan plan }

Signal plan cycle time is read with S0028

Verify status S0028 cycle time

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "cycle time",
    { S0028: [:status] }

Signal plan cycle time is set with M0018

  1. Verify connection
  2. Send control command to set cycle time
  3. Wait for status = true
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  extension = 5
  # read current plan
  plan = read_current_plan(site)
  # read initial cycle times
  times = read_cycle_times(site)
  time = times[plan]
  # change cycle tme
  time_extended = time + extension
  need_to_reset = true
  set_cycle_time plan, time_extended, "Extend cycle time to #{time_extended} for plan #{plan}"
  # read updated cycle times
  increase = 5
  times = read_cycle_times(site, "updated cycle times")
  time_extended_actual = times[plan]
  expect(time_extended_actual).to eq(time_extended)
  if need_to_reset
    log "Reset cycle time"
    set_cycle_time plan, time

Signal plan day table is read with S0027

Verify status S0027 time tables

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "command table",
    { S0027: [:status] }

Signal plan day table is set with M0017

  1. Verify connection
  2. Send control command to set time_table
  3. Wait for status = true
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  status = "12-1-12-59,1-0-23-12"
  prepare task, site
  set_day_table status

Signal plan dynamic bands are read with S0023

Verify status S0023 command table

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "command table",
    { S0023: [:status] }

Signal plan dynamic bands are set with M0014

  1. Verify connection
  2. Send control command to set dynamic_bands
  3. Wait for status = true
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  plan = Validator.get_config('items','plans').first
  status = "1-12"
  prepare task, site
  set_dynamic_bands plan, status

Signal plan dynamic bands values can be changed and read back

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Read dynamic band
  3. Set dynamic band to 2x previous value
  4. Read band to confirm
  5. Set dynamic band to previous value
  6. Read dynamic band to confirm
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  plan = Validator.get_config('items','plans').first
  band = 3
  value = get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) || 0
  expect( value ).to be_a(Integer)
  new_value = value + 1
  set_dynamic_bands plan, "#{band}-#{new_value}"
  expect( get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) ).to eq(new_value)
  set_dynamic_bands plan, "#{band}-#{value}"
  expect( get_dynamic_bands(plan, band) ).to eq(value)

Signal plan list is read with S0022

Verify status S0022 list of time plans

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "list of time plans",
    { S0022: [:status] }

Signal plan list size is read with S0018

Verify status S0018 number of time plans Deprecated from 1.2, use S0022 instead.

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "number of time plans",
    { S0018: [:number] }

Signal plan offset is read with S0024

Verify status S0024 offset time

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "offset time",
    { S0024: [:status] }

Signal plan offset is set with M0015

  1. Verify connection
  2. Send control command to set dynamic_bands
  3. Wait for status = true
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  plan = Validator.get_config('items','plans').first
  status = 99
  prepare task, site
  set_offset status, plan

Signal plan timeout for dynamic bands is set with M0023

Verify command M0023 timeout of dynamic bands

  1. Verify connection
  2. When we send command to set timeout
  3. Then we should get a confirmation
  4. When we send command to disable timeout
  5. Then we should get a confirmation
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  prepare task, site
  status = 10
  set_timeout_for_dynamic_bands status
  status = 0
  set_timeout_for_dynamic_bands status

Signal plan version is read with S0097

Verify status S0097 version of traffic program

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "version of traffic program",
    { S0097: [:timestamp,:checksum] }

Signal plan week table is read with S0026

Verify status S0026 week time table

  1. Given the site is connected
  2. Request status
  3. Expect status response before timeout
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  request_status_and_confirm site, "week time table",
    { S0026: [:status] }

Signal plan week table is set with M0016

  1. Verify connection
  2. Send control command to set week_table
  3. Wait for status = true
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Validator::Site.connected do |task,supervisor,site|
  status = "0-1,6-2"
  prepare task, site
  set_week_table status